




你属于谁 in the movement to achieve educational and racial equity in 正规的棋牌平台排行榜, 即使你刚刚开始你的反种族主义之旅.

种族平等促进部(DREA)是一个 capacity building department that supports racial equity leadership development across individuals, teams, and departments – both in school buildings and at Central Office.

我们的集体工作是落实《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》所载的承诺 董事会政策0030:确保教育和种族平等 与我们的 西雅图卓越 战略计划.


There are many ways to get connected and supported in your racial equity work.


种族平等小组 (RETs) are key levers of mobilizing anti-racist impacts across the district and are comprised of a broad coalition of school staff at building sites that are tasked with advancing Board Policy 0030.

DREA有三名专家, 或者教练, 致力于支持rett的反种族主义系统变革工作, 与项目经理一起确保进度, RET工作的一致性和积极成果. RETs可获得的DREA方案支持包括:

  • 领导力培训 – to support the capacity of RETs as anti-racist leaders in their schools.
  • 行动计划 & 种族平等分析辅导 -支持RET工作的有效性和影响.
  • 专业发展 – through Institutes and Communities of Practice to support the cultivation of anti-racist skills amongst RET members.

Existing, district-sponsored teams can find a plethora of resources on the 种族平等小组学校小组.

Specific questions can be directed to your DREA coach and programmatic questions can be sent to 妮科尔科茨, DREA项目经理, at nacoates@joyerianicaragua.com.

The body that handles applications for new district-sponsored RETs is known as the 合作委员会,召开SPS和SEA会议.

The purpose of the committee is to ensure racial equity in our educational system, unapologetically address the needs of students of color who are furthest from educational justice, 并消除我们教育系统中种族主义的遗留问题, 符合董事会政策0030.

如果你对合伙委员会有问题, 或有意申请成为地区赞助的退休教师, 你可以通过以下方式联系他们 partnershipcommittee@joyerianicaragua.com.

The support of building administrators for SPS school-based 种族平等小组 is crucial for alignment with the SPS 战略计划 of supporting Students of Color who are furthest away from educational justice.

如果您是管理员,对DREA有疑问, 种族平等小组, 或者你们学校的种族平等工作, 请联系尼科尔·科茨, DREA项目经理, at nacoates@joyerianicaragua.com.

作为对这项重要工作的承诺, DREA is currently working in collaboration with SPS partners to develop and launch racial equity coaching supports designed specifically for building administrators.

请继续关注这里的节目更新. 这个项目还没有启动,还在开发中, 但如果你有问题, 请联系:


DREA is currently working to develop and launch the Central Office Racial Equity (CORE) team program 在中央办事处建立种族平等领导能力.

核心小组的运作方式类似于学校的种族平等小组. CORE teams create a through-line by strengthening the voices and participation of teachers, 家庭, 和社区,为政策提供信息, 惯例和程序.


DREA will be working to build racial equity leadership capacity at Central Office through the launch of the CORE team program (see the tab above).

核心团队之外, DREA has worked strategically in partnership with a number of Central Office departments, 分歧, 和个人. 如果你正在寻求种族平等的支持和/或伙伴关系, 请联系尼科尔·科茨, DREA项目经理, at nacoates@joyerianicaragua.com

We all have a responsibility to liberate ourselves and one another from the harmful, 种族主义和白人至上主义的历史遗产. You are seen and valued in our collective efforts to serve our vibrant and diverse Seattle community with an antiracist school system that embodies justice, 疗愈, 共同的人性.

Racial equity work is happening across the district in formal and informal ways; in individuals and in convenings of educators, administrators, and staff. Here are just a few key points and links that might help guide you to your next steps:

  • 考虑加入或开始 a district-sponsored Racial Equity Team in your school or Central Office department (see tabs for RET and CORE programs above)
  • 考虑开始 a non-district sponsored PLC dedicated to racial equity in your school or department
  • 寻找在线资源? 外面有很多. 以下是DREA的一些建议:
  • 书呢?? 再一次,选择是强大的. 无论是作为个人阅读还是作为读书俱乐部的一部分, DREA recommends these few titles that have been used across SPS as powerful places to get started:
    • 文化响应教学与大脑, Zaretta Hammond – foundational text being used across SPS that links brain science to culture to effective teaching and learning.
    • 我们敢说爱, Na 'ilah Suad Nasir, Jarvis R. 吉文斯和克里斯托弗. Chatmon(编辑)- SPS的另一个指导文本, it takes up the critically important issue of what it means to educate Black male students in a large urban district.
    • 如何成为一名反种族主义者,易卜拉欣·X. Kendi – a bracingly original approach to understanding and uprooting racism and inequality in our society – and in ourselves.

我们的地区又大又复杂,而且 there are many facets of the system set up to support educators and staff in their work towards racial equity. 虽然你可以在上面找到DREA的项目和产品, the following district departments and SEA bodies exists to provide various avenues of support for staff:

公平、伙伴关系和参与司 -衡平法的分割, Partnerships and Engagement (EPE) is a service-oriented division that focuses on innovation and problem solving to elevate promising practices, build adult capacity and guide organizational development throughout all levels of the system.

非裔美国男性成就办公室 – AAMA works to ensure that the educational environment across the system supports the brilliance and excellence of Black boys and teens.

监察员 -民政事务专员办事处是独立的民政事务专员, 保密, 协助SPS学校和家庭解决问题, 投诉, 冲突, and other school-related issues at the lowest level when normal procedures have failed.

学生民权办公室(OSCR) -学生民权办公室(OSCR)负责接收, 处理, and resolving 投诉 filed under the District’s discrimination complaint process. 

东南亚种族平等中心 - CRE的使命是赋予教育工作者权力, both individually and collectively to dismantle racial injustice in the SEA, 我们的学校, 我们的社区, 我们的职业.

SEA协会代表 -协会代表作为中间人, passing communication from the rank and file members to SEA elected leaders.

仍然找不到部门、项目或人员来查询? 正规的棋牌平台排行榜


“The classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labor for freedom, 要求我们自己和我们的同志, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, 违背. 这就是作为自由实践的教育.” 

-铃钩, 教导违犯, 1994
